Psychology Question

Psychology Question Media Assets Assignment: Twins Reared Apart: Something I thought was remarkably interesting about this asset was after all those years Paula never knew she had a twin. She was not even the slightest bit curious about her biological family’s identity. Even when she wanted to know her mother’s medical history, she did not want to know her name or her address. If it were me, I know I would be curious as to who my biological family is. It would be heartbreaking not to. I thought it was bittersweet when her twin came looking for her after all those years, and they had things in common too. Something that was difficult for me to hear is that the reason they were separated was due to a research study on the upbringing of identical twins being raised in different families without the other twin.

Medical Procedures Used in Mental Hospitals in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: Something I find exceedingly difficult to hear and deeply disturbing is that before electro-convulsive therapy became more popular, they used to do insulin therapy, which was much more dangerous. This was to treat patients who suffered from schizophrenia. They would inject the patient with insulin which would cause their blood sugar to drop resulting in a coma. This coma then caused the patient to convulse and have a reaction. These would have either a wet or dry reaction which would result in profuse sweating and drooling or a brain seizure. They had to be given glucose to be brought out of the coma. This subject is very personal to me, as my father was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I don’t think I could have lived in time where they did this type of therapy.

Replicating the Milgram Study: In 1961, social psychologist, Stanley Milgram done a study to see if a law-abiding citizen would give a stranger a lethal electro-shock. What I found interesting about this was the strangers would arrive at what they thought was a memory test, only to find out it was a test of obedience to authority. The stranger would enter a room where another person and the psychologist were. They would place one person, the teacher (the law-abiding person) and the student (the stranger). They teacher would ask the questions and if the student got the answer got, they would get shocked. The point of the entire thing is to see if the citizen will stop the test before the lethal injection. I, for one, could never inject a stranger with a lethal dose of anything even if it is a test of obedience to authority.

Aaron Beck Uncovers Cognitions of Depressed Client: This video shows a woman with her therapist. He is talking to her about her husband leaving her. This woman is lost, heartbroken, and scared for the future. This really hurts my feelings to sit and watch this woman talk about a big loss in her life. She has lost all hope and doesn’t even have hope for the future. She says she’s lost her best friend, her financial and moral support, the father of her children, and her security. I empathize with her because my aunt, although her husband didn’t leave her, he passed away a few months ago, is going through this same thing right now. A question I have is, why isn’t the therapist rationalizing with her? He seems a bit emotionless when she needs a shoulder to cry on.

Bandura’s Bobo Doll: Is Aggressive Behavior Learned: This was an interesting video to watch. You never know how often children watch what goes on around them. The children who were exposed to aggressive modeling were the ones replicating the behavior of the adult. They even found new ways to hurt the doll. The room was fixed with various toys to either play with be aggressive with. The children who were not exposed to aggressive modeling did not exhibit this type of behavior.

Parenting in Early Childhood: I have always found the distinct types of parenting are interesting. I have known many people who have all four types of parenting. However, I had the authoritative type of parenting. I was given rules and was expected to follow those rules. If I didn’t follow the rules there were consequences. I didn’t get physical or emotional abuse. I got my phone taken for two weeks or grounded from seeing my seeing my friends or just extra chores. I had an exceptionally well childhood. How could parents not want to mold their children into young adults? How could someone have a child and not care for it or nurture it? That is beyond me.

Myra Beth Bundy: The History of Mental Health Disorders

A lot of interesting things happened in all the time periods in this video. One period was the 1600s. During the 1600s (also known as isolation and imprisonment times) they would isolate people with mental disorders in dungeons and prisons. Sometimes, they would even chain them to the walls. It would be extremely hard in live in this time, especially if you or a loved one is mentally ill. My question is, “why torture someone whose mind already tortures them daily? “Another period I liked was the 1700s. During the 1700s (also known as the enlightenment and reform times) Phillipe Pinel forbid the use of chains and shackles in his asylum and instead insisted on sunshine, exercise, and fresh air. Pinel seemed genuinely nice to do this. One of my most favorite times is the 1960s. During the 1960s (also known as the deinstitutionalization times) they removed mentally ill people from institutions and put them in community based mental health homes. This dropped the number of institutionalized people from 560,000 to 130,000. I love this so much because it means people are finally starting to get the help they deserve.

Chris Payne Asylum Book: I found several different images of this book interesting. All the images were deeply disturbing to look at. The first picture I found interesting was picture three. It was a picture of a historic asylum in Buffalo State Hospital. It looked creepy and haunted. Another image I found disturbing was picture twenty-eight. It was a picture of an autopsy theater in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. It was extremely disturbing, even more so because they had several chairs in there for teaching opportunities. The last image I found very creepy, but also interesting was image thirty. It was a picture of a room with cremation urns in it from Oregon State Hospital. It was spine chilling.

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