Respond to student post by sharing ideas for how shortcomings discovered in their evaluations and their examples of incivility could have been managed more effectively

Respond to student post by sharing ideas for how shortcomings discovered in their evaluations and their examples of incivility could have been managed more effectively

Respond to student post by sharing ideas for how shortcomings discovered in their evaluations and/or their examples of incivility could have been managed more effectively.
Based on the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory , my current workplace is classified as a moderately healthy workplace with a score of 85. My current organization practice transparency at all levels of the organization , views all of the employees as valuable assets and gives resources for professional growth such as stipends and tuition reimbursement. Our workplace is civil because we practice shared governance in policy development, we encourage expression of ideas and encourage staff to collaborate in developing performance or quality improvement projects. Organizations spend over US $ 8 billion a year on diversity and inclusion training ( Lipman , 2018). I think that investing in civility trainings is a big investment that will save the organization later on it’s resources. I think that it’s hard to be civil sometimes when you are in the moment that you wanted to be heard . I always tell my team to be respectful and if you need to call out somebody , don’t do it front of others and have the courtesy to pull that person on the side. I have been in this situation a lot as a nurse leader because I think that nurses’ have “type A ” personality , proactive , hates delay and ambivalence. Consistent findings were found that the role conflict of type A personality behavior was the source of stress in organization employees ( Gulzar & Khalid , 2016). I have experienced this one when I have two staff members does not like the process in triaging our patients when they walk in to the clinic. They both have different ideas and ways of doing it and eventually it affected patient outcomes. We addressed this by having a biweekly meeting will all stake holders involved , identifying the old and the proposed process , jointly formulating a policy as a group that are all in agreement of the changes and recommendations. I think that looking at the process and not the person greatly improved on how we operate in our health care organization. I think that health care organizations are adapting the principles of HRO ( high- reliability organization) which promotes a culture of safety and reducing harm. High-reliability organizations (HROs) are exceptional socio-technical systems that can operate in a nearly error-free manner in environments wherein most other organizations constantly run the risk of major accidents ( Salovaara , Lyytinen & Penttinen , 2019).

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Respond to student post by sharing ideas for how shortcomings discovered in their evaluations and their examples of incivility could have been managed more effectively

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