Psychology Question


General Instructions

The written assignment has two options. Please select only one to complete and turn in for a grade.

Option 1

Students are to view the videos below of Dr. Duckworth (Grit) and Dr. Chew (How to Study). There are a total of six videos in the series for Dr. Chew with a total viewing time of approximately 45 minutes. The student will write a two-page paper discussing the concepts learned from both videos and how the information can be applied to their personal and/or professional life. Be specific in providing details of how you can apply the concepts learned.

Watch the video below of Angela Duckworth talking about the concept of grit.

Watch the video below of Dr. Stephen Chew.

Option #2

Students will select a topic of interest in the field of psychology and find a research article on the topic to read. The student will write a two-page paper discussing the article including the concepts learned, any strengths or weaknesses found in the article, and how the student can apply the information to their personal or professional life.

The Final Product

The paper should be typed, double-spaced using Times New Roman 12 font with 1-inch margins. The paper submitted should include the following:

  • Cover page (i.e. title of the paper, your name, and class). Be as creative as you would like to be by using images/graphics.
  • Body of your paper (at least 2 full pages)
  • References page (in APA format list the videos for Dr. Duckworth and Dr. Chew if you chose Option 1 or the article if you chose Option 2 and any other sources used for the paper)

The assignment will be submitted online through the Turnitin link within Canvas. If you use a direct quote from any source or cite statistics, the source must be cited within the body of the paper. For guidance on proper formatting for in-text citations or for listing sources on the References page, visit the HCC Library site Links to an external site.or Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.)

The written assignment counts as 200 points toward your final grade. Please plan out your time, check spelling and punctuation, and ask for help when needed. Be sure to submit it on time to avoid the late penalty.

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