Which of the following scenes best shows this arrogance as his hamartia

Which of the following scenes best shows this arrogance as his hamartia

Which of the following scenes best shows this arrogance as his hamartia?
Criterion 1 – Understanding of Topic Under Investigation
Thorough understanding of topic under investigation

Score of Criterion 1 – Understanding of Topic Under Investigation,/ 10
Criterion 2 – Development of Thesis, Organizers and Body Paragraphs
Thorough Development of Thesis, Organizers and Body Paragraphs

Score of Criterion 2 – Development of Thesis, Organizers and Body Paragraphs,/ 10
Criterion 3 – Depth of Analysis and Clarity/Accuracy of Writing

the scene in which Hamlet speaks harshly to Ophelia (act 3, scene 1, lines 91–161)
the scene in which Hamlet confronts Gertrude and kills Polonius (act 3, scene 4, lines 1–34)
the final scene, in which Hamlet and Laertes duel and Gertrude and Claudius die (act 5, scene 2, lines 213–237)
a scene of your choice that you feel demonstrates Hamlet’s hamartia

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Which of the following scenes best shows this arrogance as his hamartia

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