Dihybrid Lab Report

Dihybrid Lab Report

Dihybrid Lab Report What should have in paper. Have at least 2 references, primary papers. Intro: Background on us of backcrosses of F1 xF1 in order to get ratios of phenotypes and how to use predictive phenotype numerical ratios in order to determine 1) what is the nature of the alleles function i.e dom, rec, incom, condom and 2) the location of the gene i.e whether autosomal or sex linked. State at end of intro what will be shown in the paper

Methods: Usual including the punnet square predictions of phenotype ratios as done in the earlier semester practice dihybrid

Results: Data from F1 and what this tells you about nature of allele and chromosomal location

Data from F2 and chi square analysis with predictive phenotype ratios starting with simplest model that both alleles are either simple dom or rec and that both genes autosomal. Remember in science always test the simplest model first before moving to more exotic model. If doesn’t fit i.e. the calculated chi square not less than the critical value then move to the next reasonable model ratio to test

Conclusions: see if your info for the vestigial and white eye genes matches up with the literature. Remember might be old papers.

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Dihybrid Lab Report

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