Critical Analysis of BIPAC Market Research Report 2011-2012

Critical Analysis of BIPAC Market Research Report 2011-2012

The final assignment for this course is a Final Paper. The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by critiquing and evaluating the data collections used for both quantitative and qualitative data.

Focus of the Final Paper

Access the 2011-2012 BIPAC Market Research Report. Fully critique the 2011-2012 Market Research Report for BIPAC. In your critique, you must

Describe the research design used in the Market Research Report. Evaluate the data collection methods used for both the quantitative and qualitative data.
Analyze the questions discussed (though the actual questionnaire used is not available).
Describe the sample population, sample design, sample bias, and sample size. Explain the purpose of the marketing research report. Summarize the key findings and conclusions.

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Critical Analysis of BIPAC Market Research

Words: 2246