weather question


answer 10 questions.

  1. 1. Mountain waves in high resolution visible imagery or water vapor imagery and possible association with turbulence
  2. 2. Cloud streets in high resolution visible imagery.
  3. 3. Measure the effect of parallax error using Google Earth, and close-to-simultaneous .kmz images from GOES-East and GOES-West.
  4. Obtain a global IR composite image from NOAA (click on this link) and create an analysis of features of the general circulation using the similar image from the course notes on the General Circulation (from 3 March 2008) as a model (see below, also)
  5. 5. Post-frontal open cell convection. Clearly identify the location of the open cells. Remember: Open cell convection is primarily a high latitude and mid-latitude phenomenon found BEHIND a cold front, not a tropical or subtropical phenomenon.
  6. Determining ridge amplitude; you are welcomed to use real-time or archived data for this question—jet stream ridge/trough patterns are usually better defined in winter than in summer. Real-time images can be found at
  7. IR or water vapor image of transverse waves in a jet stream (usually enhanced IR is best).
  8. 8 IR and water vapor images of a midlatitude cyclonic storm system in the occluding stage. Use the following links to obtain
  9. Use the RAMMB Slider to obtain high resolution visible and IR imagery of overshooting thunderstorm tops and outflow boundaries
  10. High resolution visible imagery of cumulus convection in conjunction with sea breezes

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