Please write a 1000 word paper (and note no. of words on your paper) on the subject of race and how the Black Lives Matter has impacted the issue.

I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me learn.

Please write a 1000 word paper (and note no. of words on your paper) on the subject of race and how the Black Lives Matter has impacted the issue. I want you to do your own research on this one and note at least two sources that you refer to. There are many options to choose from but I want you to choose at least two sources that are credible. Credible sources are the ones that are commonly used in academic research. Here are a few sources that might be an option (most of these are online and some in print as well):

Time Magazine, Wall Street Journal, PBS, Frontline, Ebony Magazine, Huffington Post

Some that aren’t credible or aren’t acceptable for academic papers include: Wikipedia, Buzzfeed, NewsMax, etc.

Use credible sources to support your opinion when possible.


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