Written report for a PR Campaign based on a case study Manchester Survivors

Written report for a PR Campaign based on a case study Manchester Survivors

A 2,000 (+/- 10%) word written report for a PR Campaign based on a case study, Manchester Survivors. This will assess learning outcomes 1, 2, and 4.
The specific brief is to present a strategic, integrated PR plan to the support the Manchester Survivors campaign as follows:
Key considerations for the campaign are:
• Make sure it will appeal to the target market
• Clearly communicate key messages
• Produce a creative AND realistic campaign
• Make sure you work within the campaign budget
See below for more information on Manchester Survivors please see below.

Specific guidance/criteria

  • Marks will be allocated as follows:-
  • Provide a brief summary of the organisation
  • Description of the external forces / challenges facing the organisation in the context of the PR campaign
  • Discussion of the PR campaign objectives
  • Identification of key target publics, with a clear rational/ justification as to why they have been chosen
  • Development and communication of clear and concise campaign messages
  • Selection and justification of the campaign’s key PR strategies
  • The production of a creative and practical PR campaign, to help achieve the objectives set out in section 3 (a) and links to the rest of the plan. Include a Gantt chart of timescales
  • Selection of evaluation techniques to help measure the campaign’s success
  • A breakdown of the campaign budget

Manchester Survivors
Please refer to the individual Rubric marking criteria relating to this assessment below.
Key Resources/Reading
Tench R. & Yeomans, L. (2013). Exploring Public Relations. (3 rd ed.). FT Prentice Hall. Chapter 9, 10 Gregory, A. (2015) check most update. Planning and Managing a Public Relations Campaign. (4 th ed). London: Kogan Page.


Please refer to the Assessment Guidance (on moodle page) for detailed information on: –

  • Academic Malpractice
  • APA Reference Guide
  • Late Work Penalties
  • Excess word count penalties
  • University Generic Marking Criteria

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with the above as failure to do this may impact on your achievement in this assessment.

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Written report for a PR Campaign based on a case study Manchester Survivors

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