Two Reflective pieces using Gibbs reflective cycle and a conclusion

Two Reflective pieces using Gibbs reflective cycle and a conclusion

Two Reflective pieces using Gibb’s reflective cycle and a conclusion.
A reflective piece on one personal skill and the skill is “self-confidence” using Gibbs reflective cycle (500 words)

A reflective piece on one professional skill and the skill is “Managing emotion and conflict” using Gibbs reflective cycle.
(500 words)
And a conclusion which ” draw my work together by reviewing my journey through this year ( academically, personally, and professionally) how I have found the process and what I have learned about myself- what my priorities for this year.
(500 words)
Remember this is a reflective essay so it is about me.
I have done a reflective piece on the first sit which is about academic skill but I have done that but mention it at the conconclusion.
At the conclusion where it says how I found the process and what have, I learned about myself talk about a lot of adversities as I speak 3 languages but lots of successes as well and on what have I learned about myself talk about realized I am more capable and strong than I thought I was and I am really happy of what I have achieved so far.
And on the what are my priorities for the following year talk about getting better grades as well as improving my mental health state, learning more things and draw the work together basically.

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Two Reflective pieces using Gibbs reflective cycle and a conclusion

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