The paper is based on the Parking per New Town elementary

The paper is based on the Parking per New Town elementary

The paper is based on the Parking per New Town elementary my suggestion i want to make: I will look into architectural concerns and
possible redesign. I will look into utilization of the High school parking area in the morning and afternoons since there school starts
and finishes several hours before the elementary school which is directly across the street and all the county will have to provide is
a school crossing guard during the peak hours. Which can be provided
by approved volunteer services and cost effective.

Update from instructor is below here

This is the week to devote to researching the topic you will be writing your researched proposal on. The secondary research sources should be
from the UMUC databases. If you use websites, please do not use commercial websites (ending in “com”), as they are not as reliable as
those ending in “edu,” “gov,” or “org.” When you write your annotated bibliography for this week, make sure to alphabetize the sources.
Other than that, the assignment is straightforward. Do not use Google to find your sources.

If you need more help with the annotated bibliography, there is good information under the Library tab in LEO. Go to the “How Do I” portion
and then find Writing Resources. You will find a video on how to write an annotated bibliography.

This is the week you should also be doing primary research for your topic. I realize that we have only a short time in which to get this
paper together, but getting a short, relevant survey together or interviewing sources will give you different perspectives on your
topics. I did not put up a discussion board thread asking for your primary research results, but I will be looking for mention of them in
the proposal itself.

You cannot use primary research for the annotated bibliography. We are defining primary research as research you do yourself via interviews,
surveys, observation, or focus groups. You will not write up the results of this research for this week’s assignment, but you will need
it for your researched proposal, the rough draft of which is due at the end of Week 6.

In other words, you should use this lighter discussion week to really delve into your final researched proposal and start working on it. I
have recently finished another class. Those who heeded my advice and got started on the parts of the project as directed wrote much more
successful papers than those that did not.

What is one thing that you learned from this tutorial? this is anther link she sent reference the bibliography instruction for the paper


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