The Challenges of Keeping Milwaukee Homeless Safe Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Challenges of Keeping Milwaukee Homeless Safe Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

The focus of this literature review deals with the current pandemic and the additional stress it has on Milwaukee’s homeless population that already face impediments predisposing them to worse health conditions. Throughout the United States, it is evident that the COVID-19 virus has heightened current societal prejudices and perpetuated cycles of inequity specifically among the homeless. Poor health is both a cause and consequence of homelessness and limited access to healthcare is a concerning issue.

The pandemic and the required guidelines of social distancing have been challenging for both health care providers and homeless shelters across the city of Milwaukee. The city’s mayor, Tom Barrett reaffirms in an interview that there are more homeless people now compared to three years ago. This issue has been worsened by the federal government’s decision to reduce the amount of aid provided to the city to support shelters, rehousing programs, and services to prevent homelessness. Because homelessness and health care are entwined it is common among displaced individuals to have their health care needs go untreated.

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The Challenges of Keeping Milwaukee’s Homeless Safe Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

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