Study Guide for The Woman in Black

Study Guide for The Woman in Black

Study Guide for The Woman in Black.

  1. Who is the narrator and what is his life like in the present? What appears to have happened in the past? What are his unique characteristics and how are they possibly a factor in what happens to him?
  2. What is his job and whom does he work for? Who is important in his life? Why was he sent to Mrs. Drablow’s funeral?
  3. Who is Mrs. Drablow and what happens at her funeral? How do people react when he tells them what he saw at the funeral?
  4. Who is Mr. Daily? Describe his relationship with the narrator?
  5. What is Eel March House like? Outside? Inside?
  6. Describe what happens at the “burial grounds” the first day and his visitor. Who is she and what is her story?
  7. Who and what does he hear in the marshes the 1st night? What is this all about and how does it connect to the strange woman?
  8. What does he find in Mrs. Drablow’s papers and letters? How does it shed light on the events occurring at Eel Marsh House?
  9. Ok, the house is really strange and scary…so why does he stay??? What motivates him to stay?
  10. What is the room behind the locked door? What does he feel in that room and why might that be so?
  11. What truth does he ultimately discover and how does it affect him? Why HIM???
  12. Why was everyone so secretive?

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Study Guide for The Woman in Black

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