Responses to peers on explain the importance of Richard Allen

Responses to peers on explain the importance of Richard Allen

Responses to peers.

Roshawn Cornett

1. Explain the importance/significance of Richard Allen.

  • Richard Allen was inspired to negotiate his way to freedom when he stumbled upon a group of traveling preachers on a Delaware farm. It was there that Allen listened to the preachers from the evangelical revival talk about how slavery was a mortal sin. He saw this as his chance to act upon the religious preaching’s of the burgeoning abolitionist movement fueled by increasing popular religious beliefs that were tethered to the founding principles of the American Revolution. Allen, being a slave at the time, used his powers of persuasion to get the preachers to go to his master’s plantation, and there, his master was convinced to free his slaves, because slavery was a cardinal sin and that he would go to hell if he did not oblige. They appealed to his owner’s sense of morality as well as his goodwill, as a man of God. Allen went on to found the first all-black church in American history, The African Methodist Episcopal Baptist Church in 1816.

2. Explain the importance/significance of the cotton gin and “King Cotton” in regards to black enslavement.

  • In 1781, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, an invention that launched the Industrial Revolution, and ushered in a new phase of American slavery.  The cotton gin was the greatest economic boom in the history of the United States. In the 1790s, popular crops such as tobacco were depleting the rich, fertile lands that stretched from Virginia to Georgia and Texas. The cultivation of cotton in these southern regions made cotton that much more valuable.  At the same time, international demand for cotton grew, due to the explosion in the textiles industry, thereby increasing the demand for more slaves. Meanwhile, back in America, the increased demand for cotton and slaves led to the second middle passage, in which enslaved families were split up, upending generations of stability. These slaves primarily lived in the upper south and were sold I droves to plantations in the deep south, such as Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Georgia.

4. Explain the “second Middle Passage,” and explain the ways in which it increased the vulnerability of black enslaved women, and various forms of control on the plantations.

– More than a million slaves were transported from the upper south to the deep south, irrevocably tearing families apart, two and a half times the number of enslaved people who were transported during the transatlantic slave trade. It was the largest forced migration in American history. The second middle passage lasted for about 70 years, from 1790 up until the end of the civil war.  Forks in the road was once a trading post for the public to buy and sell slaves for specific purposes, as opposed to buying slaves en masse. Slave owners who purchased slaves from this particular treading post particularly wanted female slaves of child-bearing age for the purposes of breeding the next generation of slave labor. Slave owners were determined to increase their profits through whatever means deemed necessary, from the forced pairings of slaves to rape.

Jeffery Bradley(100words)

  1.  Explain the importance/significance of Richard Allen.

 – The importance/significance of Richard Allen is he grew up on a Delaware farm and in the woods nearby he heard traveling preachers say that slavery was a mortal sin and Richard Allen hatched a plan to make his master listen. Also Richard Allen resolved to start his own church an African American church and then he was a minister, writer, and a educator. Richard Allen also showed that black people could create and sustain their own institution.

2.  Explain the importance/significance of the cotton gin and “King Cotton” in regards to black enslavement

  • Eli Whitney cotton gin sent off another period of American servitude, a stage which thoughts regarding black freedom were overpowered by the requirement for black labor. Cotton completely had changed the United States and making rich land from Georgia to Texas exceptional significant. The more cash the grower produced using developing cotton, the more cotton the grower needed to develop and it took more slaves. To feed king cotton more than a million African Americans were taken away into the Deep South. Also, the slaves were chained together heading down south and they was always chained by their necks and by their wrists. 

  3. Explain the Brown Fellowship Society and the complexities of their lives.

  • The brown fellowship society is an elite organization of free black men in Charleston, South Carolina. They came together to promote their common goals, their common purposes of mural elevation. Many of their clients were white slave owners and some chose to buy slaves for themselves. 

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