Policy brief for HIV status disclosure to partners

Policy brief for HIV status disclosure to partners

Title should read: Policy brief: HIV status disclosure to partners.
1. label all the headings/ title as such
3. Pick one of the States in the United State and provide a proposed Legislation bill or a law in reference to HIV status disclosure to partners, and there is one then we have to propose one.
4. Statistics about HIV spread and why the status of HIV should be disclosed – please label the heading and bullet points the information
5. Who are the stakeholders in this advocacy legislation bill/Law. please label the stake holders
6. Take a Stand: I am for disclosing HIV status to partners please label my stand
7. Facts of the State and the Law/legislation bill, please label the work.
8. Remember there are state laws and legislations against and in favor the bill
9. Goals of the legislation bill/Law.
10. References

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Policy brief for HIV status disclosure to partners

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