Plan-Do-Study-Act Practice Improvement Plan

Plan-Do-Study-Act Practice Improvement Plan

PDSA Practice Improvement Plan CC5.c
Nurses should take responsibility for their personal and professional growth by continuing their education and seeking opportunities to develop and exercise their leadership skills” (IOM Report: The Future of Nursing [2011] pg.14). Learning how to manage and facilitate change is one of the major components necessary when developing
future nurse leaders. The PDSA project will provide the student the experience to initiate and coordinate planned change in a healthcare organization. The purpose of this assignment is to engage the student in analysis of an evidencebased practice scenario within their clinical experiences. The telehealth assignment will be based upon this
process. The assignment will be divided into four phases. Your clinical instructor will assign deadlines for each phase of the project.

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Plan-Do-Study-Act Practice Improvement Plan

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