Mini solar refrigerator that can be used for beaches Project Design

Mini solar refrigerator that can be used for beaches Project Design

Mini solar refrigerator that can be used for beaches Project Design

1. Abstract/Executive Summary
This should summarise the objectives of your project and how they were accomplished in one or two paragraphs. Do not confuse this with an introduction which sets the background for the project. The abstract is a very important part of the report because often people will decide on whether to read the rest of the report based on what they read in this section. Although it comes first in the report it is often written last so the author can be sure of what is written in the report before summarising it.
2. Introduction
Give the background and the goal for the proposed project. It should discuss similar designs and what you did that is different or better.
3. Design Methodology
Discuss your design method and how you solved the problems encountered in your design which must include.
a. Customer requirements
b. Brain Storming ideas
c. QFD Quality Function Deployment (Relate customer wants to technical how’s?)
d. Establish Product design specification
e. Morphology (Select four option for each technical component and select the best possible option, Write detail technical reasons for each component selection)
f. Concept Development (Develop three different concepts by using the best selected components)
g. Weighted Evaluation (Carryout weighted evaluation of three different concepts and select the best variant to be develop as prototype
h. Design for cost
i. Final Design
j. Design Validation test (Write different test to validate the prototype against the design specification)
4. Results
Discuss how well the design worked. Give results of any simulations and laboratory tests.
5. Conclusion
Summarise conclusions and results made in the rest of the paper. No information not previously introduced should be included in this section. Answer questions about how well your design met its goals. Suggest possible design improvements (this could be a separate section depending on how many improvements you would like to suggest).
6. Appendices

All figures, pictures, tables, plots, sample calculations, previous presentation slides, etc. These should all go in corresponding appendices at the end of the report.

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Mini solar refrigerator that can be used for beaches Project Design


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