Hospitality Consumer Preference Survey

Hospitality Consumer Preference Survey

Hospitality Consumer Preference Survey – 2020
The survey for this project starts on the next page. Data labels are shown in red for each variable. You will receive an SPSS file with all of this information in it. You must complete your project by analyzing the data and writing up a report of your findings. The report will be graded for your ability to communicate the results using text and tables/graphs, as you did in writing up the results of your data analysis exercises and as shown in the lecture notes.

You must do the following:

1) Choose a food/meal group from the survey. The food groups and questions are shown below. You must choose only one group to analyze and you must analyze all of the questions in that group:
Part A: Breakfast Meal – Q.1 and 2 a through d
Part B: Salad – Q.3 and 4 a through d.
Part C: Seafood – Q.5 and 6 a through d.
2) Run frequencies and descriptive statistics for the food group that you chose in question 1 above AND do so for all of the demographic questions (Gender, Marital Status, Age).
3) You must explore whether those who ate your meal differed statistically by demographic profiles. To do this, conduct the appropriate significance tests to see if there are statistically significant differences in purchasing your meal and in any of the Likert Scale ratings for your meal. Be sure to use the correct test given the IV and DV and the level of measurement of the questions themselves (hint: the demographic is always the IV). You will conduct the tests on the following questions to do this:

 Purchase x Gender, Marital Status, Age
 Likert ratings a through d by Gender, Marital Status, Age

4) Write up you results in a formal report. Use both text and graphics/tables to illustrate your results. Your final submission must include the results of all analyses as well as an Appendix including a copy of the survey questions you analyzed. You must include tables/graphs for all of the significant results. If the result is not significant, just describe that result: a graph/table need not be included. Your write-up must be written like a formal business report. It cannot be point-form and it cannot be cut and pasted from SPSS. If you wish, you can create tables in Word or cut and paste graphs from Excel into your Word file. Write up the report in your own words in a way that non-statisticians would understand what you are reporting. Time will be provided in the last week(s) of class to do this assignment during class time, but you may work on it outside of class if you wish.

The Hospitality Consumer Preference Survey (2020)
Part A
1. Have you purchased a breakfast meal in a restaurant in the last month? Breakfast

1. Yes
2. No (Go to Q.5)
3. Don’t know

2. I am going to read you a list of features of breakfast meals. Please tell me how important each of these features is
to you when you eat a breakfast meal in a restaurant.
1 – Very unimportant
2 – Somewhat unimportant
3 – Neither important nor unimportant
4 – Somewhat important
5 – Very important

a. Price (1 2 3 4 5) BRPrice
b. Fat content (1 2 3 4 5) BRFat
c. Calorie content (1 2 3 4 5) BRCal
d. Overall nutritional quality (1 2 3 4 5) BRQual

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Hospitality Consumer Preference Survey

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