Explore the history of the Nature versus Nurture debate, looking at Behaviorism and Evolutionary Theory (Darwin) through a case study of Baby Genie

Explore the history of the Nature versus Nurture debate, looking at Behaviorism and Evolutionary Theory (Darwin) through a case study of Baby Genie

Topic: Explore the history of the Nature versus Nurture debate, looking at Behaviorism and Evolutionary Theory (Darwin) through a case study of Baby Genie. (If you don’t remember this case, I will have the video on reserve at the library)

Intro: thesis of history of the topic.
1. History of behaviorism
2. History of evolution
3. History of baby genie
( make these three paragraphs short)

1. Pick a theory and tie it back to the baby genie case
2. Pick another theory or idea and tie it back to the baby genie case
3. Pick a theory or idea and tie it back to the baby genie case
4. Pick a theory or idea and tie it back to the baby genie case
5. Pick another theory or idea and tie it back to the baby genie case
6. Pick a theory or idea and tie it back to the baby genie case
Briefly explain the information in your own words

Conclusion: talk about what you learned. Then draw your own conclusion on why baby genie turned out the way she did. There is no write are wrong answer.

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Explore the history of the Nature versus Nurture debate, looking at Behaviorism and Evolutionary Theory (Darwin) through a case study of Baby Genie

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