Examine any 2 poems in the Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake to explain the ideas of Innocence and Experience

Examine any 2 poems in the Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake to explain the ideas of Innocence and Experience

Examine any 2 poems in the Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake to explain the ideas of ‘Innocence’ and ‘Experience’.
Choice of poems:
Blake’s ‘Songs’ work best when comparing them in pairs (eg. Lamb vs. Tyger) but I prefer ‘Nurse’s Song’ (Innocence) and ‘London’ (Experience) for this task as I think they are the most vivid pieces in terms of meanings, style, context and most importantly the relevance to Innocence and Experience. But after all it’s negotiable if you think you have a better idea.
Useful materials:
1) http://crossref-it.info/textguide/songs-of-innocence-and-experience/13/1645
(The quote from ‘Auguries of Innocence’; at the bottom is quite spot-on)
2) http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:pQzvGqoq1dcJ:www.oxfordreference.com/viewbydoi/10.10
(the 4th paragraph of ‘The Naive and Sentimental’ elaborates the ‘nature vs human society‘ idea from Schiller’s ‘On Naïve and Sentimental Poetry‘  Referred again in the article ‘Blake and Romanticism’)
3) FYI http://www.sparknotes.com/poetry/blake/analysis.html
4) Attached 2 pdf are articles I want to include in the essay

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Examine any 2 poems in the Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake to explain the ideas of 'Innocence' and 'Experience'

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