Each module students will build their Leadership Self Reflection Portfolio Course Project by submitting a written self- assessment assignment

Each module students will build their Leadership Self Reflection Portfolio Course Project by submitting a written self- assessment assignment

Written Exercises: Each module, students will build their Leadership Self Reflection Portfolio Course Project by submitting a written self-
assessment assignment. Submit a written report that covers both of the portfolio building leadership skill-building exercises. The report should also incorporate your findings and conclusions from the self-assessment quizzes in this module, and from personal reflection.
Reference: DuBrin, A. J. (2013). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South- Western, Cengage Learning.
As part of the self-assessments, students will take a series of very short self-assessment quizzes which will help them gain an understanding of their personal leadership traits and styles. There are no right or wrong answers to these quizzes. They are designed to provide the students some insights into their own leadership skill sets.
There are no prescribed minimum or maximum word limits for the weekly self-assessments; however, it is suggested that these written reports range from 1,000 to 2,500 words per module. These reports should reflect the findings and conclusions that students get from the self-assessment quizzes and from personal reflection. The exercise must conform to the requirements of APA formatting, to include cover page (running head, page number, title, author, university), a table of contents, APA-level headings and subheadings, proper in-text citations, and a reference section at the end.

Course Schedule: Module 1
Quiz 1-1: Readiness for the Leadership Role Results: 105 Scoring and interpretation: 90-100: High readiness for the leadership role
Quiz 1-2: The Leadership Experience Audit Results: Have held a position of leadership
Skill Building 1-2: (instructions): Here, I ask you to begin developing a leadership portfolio that will be a personal document of my leadership capabilities and experiences. I suggest you begin my portfolio with a personal statement that explains the type of leadership I plan to practice. My personal statement is “I intend to become a well- respected corporate professional, a key member of a happy and healthy family, and a
contributor to my community.

Quiz 2-1 How Self-Confident Are You? Results: 55 Scoring and interpretation: A high, desirable level of self- confidence
Quiz-2-2 Behaviors and Attitudes of a Trustworthy Leader Quiz Results: Trustworthy, no specific scoring
Quiz 2-3 Personal Resiliency Quiz Results: 14 Scoring and interpretation: 13+Very
Resilient: You are remarkably effective in rebounding from setbacks, or being resilient, Your resiliency should help you lead others when setbacks arise.
Skill Building 2-4: (instructions): Select a trait, motive, and characteristics that I have exhibited is self-Confidence, trustworthiness, extraversion, and assertiveness please explain why you think I would have these exhibits.

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Each module students will build their Leadership Self Reflection Portfolio Course Project by submitting a written self- assessment assignment

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