Discuss care of children and adolescents

Discuss care of children and adolescents

Care of Children and Adolescents

The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful

completion of the task below include:
c) Critically analyse the psychosocial and cultural needs of the child or adolescent and their significant other and essential support in relation to acute illness in child and adolescent primary healthcare.
d) Explore the complexities of medication management with children and adolescents and interpret and apply to care
e) Recognise child protection responsibilities and collaborative processes with a multidisciplinary team.
f) Identify and determine suitable risk assessment tools for use within children’s health care (as outlined in the National Safety and Quality Health Services (NSQHS) Standards).

Mrs Sooma, attends the Emergency Department (ED) with her 5-month-old son Amar.
She is concerned that her son has had a cough, runny nose and congestion for three days, and is
gradually getting worse. Overnight, he coughed very forcefully until he vomited, and this morning,
his mother noticed he was breathing faster, feels like he has a fever and is taking in less formula.
He has not had a wet nappy in four hours. His 4-year-old sister has a cold and Amar attends a local
day care centre. Mrs Sooma has four children under six years of age, which she brings up alone after
her husband died recently in car accident. You are Amar’s admitting nurse.
Amar was born at 32 weeks gestation measuring 38.1cm and weighing 1421grams.
He remained in hospital until six weeks of age. Since discharge, he has been weighed/measured
regularly and you perform an admission weight/length and plot Amar’s growth on the World Health
Organisation (WHO) growth charts. His mother is concerned that he is not growing well as he is
much smaller than children of a similar age.

Answer preview for discuss care of children and adolescents

Measles and Moderate Severe Pneumonia

Words: 1823