Describe How Nixon ended Vietnam war

Describe How Nixon ended Vietnam war.

Describe How Nixon ended Vietnam war. An essay is an extended intellectual engagement with a particular question. It must demonstrate not only an ability to write to an acceptable standard but, just as importantly, an ability to think critically to an acceptable standard. You are required to research the issues relating to the question, and to show evidence of that research in the form of appropriate reference and quotation. You are asked to query and evaluate all that you read and, through a critical engagement with it, develop your own opinions and ideas. These ideas must be argued and substantiated by rational means, and in a logical order. Your argument must have a clear structure. You will lose marks for errors in spelling or grammar.

Assessment Requirements

Answer ONE essay question from the list at the end of this Learning Guide. The essay must be 2,000 words in length, excluding footnotes and the bibliography.


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Describe How Nixon ended Vietnam war.
