Critically evaluate the applicability of contemporary Leadership theories to a specific organisational sector

Critically evaluate the applicability of contemporary Leadership theories to a specific organisational sector

Critically evaluate the applicability of (a number of) contemporary Leadership theories to a specific industry/organisational sector.

General Structure:

  1. Introduction; say what you want to do which is the applicability of modern leadership theories to the health or Aviation sector
  2. The 3 modern theories that I will be discussing are: transformational, transactional and
    Authentic leadership styles.
  3. Brief define each of the above styles and state the common themes of the 3 styles.
  4. Discuss the dynamics of the general health sector / Airline sector and then UK aspects of it write about the industry, is it changing, static and what are the technological or innovations in the sector.( Airline- e tickets, e boarding pass, fuel efficient planes, low CO2 emissions and pollution, speed, etc/ health – less waiting times, etc…
  5. State that for the purpose of this study I will be discussing the applicability of transformational leadership on the Airline / health care industry. Discuss the idealised influences of transformational leadership and how transformational behavours are useful or can contribute to the success of an Airline, also state that in some instances in the industry a transactional leadership approach is necessary ( such as in staff meeting up to flight schedules, customer satisfaction etc).
  6. Then you state that an example of Virgin Atlantic as a case study of how vital transformational ( Richard Branson) and transactional leadership has been vital to the Success of the Airline.
  7. Conclusion- Draw your conclusion from your previous argument.
  8. You must always cite articles or sources a lot ( Use peered reviewed Journals more). And paraphrase a lot.

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Critically evaluate the applicability of contemporary Leadership theories to a specific organisational sector

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