Covering the hypothetical budget gap

Covering the hypothetical budget gap

1. Was covering the hypothetical budget gap more or less difficult than you expected?

2 . Did you have trouble deciding where to make cuts because you needed more information about particular programs? If so, which programs? (The teacher might make a list of these on the board and use them for future discussion and inquiry.)
3. The least popular choice among New York Times readers was allowing Bush tax cuts to expire for those with income below $250,000 a year. ( Did
your group choose this option? What were items that were not popular with the class?
4. The most popular choice among New York Times readers was reducing the military to less than its size before the Iraq war. Was this a popular choice in your group? Was it popular among the class as a whole?
5. As young people, do you think you have a different attitude toward increasing the eligibility ages of Social Security and Medicare than might older people?
6. Did doing this exercise change your feelings about the budget debate in Washington? If so, how?

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Covering the hypothetical budget gap


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