Career plans, it have a purpose to propose about my future plan after I graduate
Career plans, it have a purpose to propose about my future plan after I graduate, My plan is like that.
1. After graduate, I want to find a in foreign country for continuing research life.
2. And also, I want to go to abroad to do my Post. Doctor course to growth as a specialist.
3. And then, My final purpose is to become a professor in specialist in novel science area for the propagation of knowledge.
4. Using this chance, I will do my best, and I want to make a novel display technology which is ever shown in the world.
5. I want to show to them(French embassy), my determination and plans, concretely.
[1] How can I develop my skills by taking part in activities outside of my specific Ph.D
[2] In which areas am I particularly strong?
[3] What trends and growth sectors could I take advantage of?
[4] How can I ensure that I use my Ph.D as a point of differentiation in the job market?
[5] What could I improve?
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