Briefly describe what it is you sell

Briefly describe what it is you sell

Briefly describe what it is you sell, do not go into excruciating details : Who is your market
Briefly discuss who you are selling the product or service to, what industry is it? How large of the market do they represent?
· What is your revenue model

More simply, how do you expect to make money?

· Who is behind the company?
· Who is your competition
Don’t have any? Think again, briefly discuss who they are and what they have accomplished. Successful competition is an advantage, they are proof your  and concept work
Must have: · A “hook”
· Open your pitch by getting the investors’ attention with a Hook. A statement or question that piques their interest to want to hear more.
· Passion: Investors expect energy and dedication form entrepreneurs Comments from Support Team: pretend you were a sales, gonna sell the wireless earphone.

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describe what you sell

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