Answer The Following Questions Giving Detailed Answers Concerning the Steps You Would Take to Complete the Analyses

Answer The Following Questions Giving Detailed Answers Concerning the Steps You Would Take to Complete the Analyses

Please answer the following questions. Give detailed answers concerning the steps you would take to complete the analyses. Output to answer the questions are below.

1. Explain step-by-step how you would compute boxplots for the variables: lecture and numeracy. (4 points)

  • Looking at the output below, do either of these variables appear to have outliers? If so, what are the values of the outlier?
  • What do you suggest should be done about the outlier(s)?

2. Explain step-by-step how you would compute histograms that also include the plot of the normal curve on them for the two variables: exam and computer. What do these tell you about the distributions of each variable? (4 points)

3. Explain step-by-step how you would compute P-P plot for the variables lecture and numeracy. What does the output of the P-P plots show you? (4 points)

4. Explain step-by-step how you would compute the K-S Statistic for both lecture and numeracy. What does the output of the KS tests tell you? (4 points)

5. Looking at the data from #3, #4, #5, what does this tell you about the distribution of the variables. Do you need to worry about these variables? Why or why not? (4 points).

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Answer The Following Questions Giving Detailed Answers Concerning the Steps You Would Take to Complete the Analyses

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