Analyze the song Roar by Katy Perry

Analyze the song Roar by Katy Perry

I am in need of someone to analyze this song for me Song Title: Katy Perry “Roar”.

Examine the rhyming in your lyrics. Do the lyrics use perfect rhyme, slant rhyme, or is it free verse? Write about this in your comments.

Is there a set meter for the lyrics? Count up the syllables in each line. Write the number of syllables for each line at the end of the line. If there is a pattern with the syllables, examine it more closely to see if it matches with any of the common rhythm patterns (iambic, trochaic, anapestic, spondaic, dactylic). If meter or rhythm are apparent, write about this in your comments.

Examine the lyrics closely for any of the following poetic aspects. If you find any of these, write about it in your comments.

Examine the lyrics for any repetition of word or specific phrases. Which words are emphasized. What meaning does this add to the song? Write about it in your comments.

Examine the song for a universal theme. What is it about the song that people everywhere feel or understand? Write about it in your comments.

Examine the meaning of the lyrics. In your comments, write about how you interpret the message of the song.

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Analyze the song Roar by Katy Perry

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