After Reading the First Two Chapters of The Text Create and Describe Three Personal Goals and Or Objectives for This Course That Are Connected to A Course-Related Professional Position You Have or Aspire to Have

After Reading the First Two Chapters of The Text Create and Describe Three Personal Goals and Or Objectives for This Course That Are Connected to A Course-Related Professional Position You Have or Aspire to Have

After reading the first two chapters of the text, create and describe three personal goals/objectives for this course that are connected to a course-related, professional position you have or aspire to have. *I WILL ATTACH THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS OF THE TEXTBOOK HERE AS A WORD DOCUMENT*

(I aspire to become an athletic director at the high school or college level. As a physical education teacher, I would like to eventually expand my horizons and take my career to the next level with my sport management degree and knowledge from this class).

Describe the professional position you have or aspire to have and the importance of economic and financial competence in the role. For each goal/objective provide at least one paragraph of rationale. Finish by summarizing how your goals/objectives support your overall purpose in the course and your degree program.
Be sure to support your rationale with at least three formally cited resources external to the course.

Answer Preview For After Reading the First Two Chapters of The Text Create and Describe Three Personal Goals and Or Objectives for This Course That Are Connected to A Course-Related Professional Position You Have or Aspire to Have

I desire to become an athletic director at the college level

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