Aboriginal Blood Glucose Smart Test Programme amongst Type 2 Diabetes

Aboriginal Blood Glucose Smart Test Programme amongst Type 2 Diabetes

Aboriginal Blood Glucose Smart Test Programme amongst Type 2 Diabetes Adult Men Aged >50 years in Western Australia. This assessment aims to evaluate your application of health promotion principles. Please imagine you are a nurse wanting to implement a health promotion program to a specific group of your clients. The program requires some funding so this assignment is based on Healthway WA guidelines for health promotion grants. You may find it useful to look at the Healthway WA website under the ‘Grants tab’. You must use the headings below and stick closely to the suggested word limits.

Using the health issue you identified as significant in the first assignment; research programs that have been used to address these issues and explore how they may be adapted to your population. You need to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the programs and present a convincing argument as to why your program should be funded. Imagine that the Lecturer has a big bucket of money and wants to give it to the most deserving projects!

Be clear about which aspect of PHC (prevention, screening or rehab/support – see levels of PHC) your program is aimed at and link it to the Ottawa charter or Millennium goals or Australian Government priorities or some other significant organizations priority areas to show how important your project is (for ideas look under the ‘assignment resources’ tab). This assessment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you have met the learning objectives so you should make reference to your text book and other materials when you discuss your project. For example, education programs should be based on health literacy and/or teaching theory.

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Aboriginal Blood Glucose Smart Test Programme amongst Type 2 Diabetes
